Sunday, 28 August 2011

WEEK 4 Week 4 - Kehinde Wiley and Inter-textuality

Q1. Find a clear definition of Intertextuality and quote it accurately on your blog using the APA referencing system. Use your own words to explain the definition more thoroughly. A1. "The whole network of ralations, conventions, and expectations by which the text is defined; the relationships between texts"   Intertextuality. (2011). Retrieved from

Q2. Research Wiley's work and write a paragraph that analyzes how we might make sense of his work. Identify intertextuality in Wiley's work.
A2. Wileys work are paintings are of African American men who have been depicted as powerful or heroic people by the way that they are posing in the paintings. The poses are much like what would be seen in a painting from the 18th century for example a man on a horse which is a very similar pose to a painting of Napolian on his horse. The men are dressed in normal clothing like street wear and suits. There is also the textile design which is painted into the picture which are period style and rococo designs that are very colourful. The way he has taken and poses of 18th century paintings and textile designs of the period style is an example of intertextulity, by incorporating it into his own work.

Q3. Wiley's work relates to next weeks Postmodern theme "PLURALISM" . Read page 46 and discuss how the work relates to this theme.
A3. Wiley's art work related to pluralism in the way that it communicates a mixture of different cultures or sub cultures. The contempary Afican, African American, Afro-Brazilian men with the combination of 18 century style.

Q4. Comment on how Wiley's work raises questions around social/cultural hierarchies , colonisation, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview. 

Q5. Add some reflective comments of your own, which may add more information that
you have read during your research.

Week 3 Hussein Chalayan

Q1.Chalayan is an artist and designer, working in film, dress and installation art. Research Chalayan’s work, and then consider these questions in some thoughtful reflective writing.
1. Chalayan’s works in clothing, like Afterwords (2000) and Burka (1996) , are often challenging to both the viewer and the wearer. What are your personal responses to these works? Are Afterwords and Burka fashion, or are they art? What is the difference?Not all clothing is fashion, so what makes fashion fashion?
A1.Different people have different opinions about the burka and are usually very strong with there opinion about them. I personally do not have a problem with the burka and think that it is something that should be respected if women who are Muslim wear this garment. I think understand why people do not support the wearing of the burka as it would be a very different and difficult experience to be around and to even wear.
I find this work a little bit insensitive in the way that the women is naked wearing the burka but I understand the point that the artist is illustrating, I would say the fashion is art, it is something that is created an idea and something you can look at think about admire or dislike this is what makes something art to me. Fashion is something that you wear, fashion is a certain trend or style.

Hussein Chalayan, Burka, 1996
                                                                 Hussein Chalayan, Afterwords, 2000

Q2. Chalayan has strong links to industry. Pieces like The Level Tunnel (2006) and Repose (2006) are made in collaboration with, and paid for by, commercial business; in these cases, a vodka company and a crystal manufacturer. How does this impact on the nature of Chalayan’s work? Does the meaning of art change when it is used to sell products? Is it still art?
 A2.I think that it just makes it commercial art, I don't think that it makes the work any less art. I would be a good way to get your work and name known fast and by many people. Although they would have to alter certain ideas to make it right for the company it would still be worth it.

Q3. Chalayan’s film Absent Presence screened at the 2005 Venice Biennale. It features the process of caring for worn clothes, and retrieving and analysing the traces of the wearer, in the form of DNA. This work has been influenced by many different art movements; can you think of some, and in what ways they might have inspired Chalayan’s approach?

Hussein Chalayan, still from Absent Presence, 2005 (motion picture)
Q4. Many of Chalayan’s pieces are physically designed and constructed by someone else; for example, sculptor Lone Sigurdsson made some works from Chalayan’s Echoform (1999) and Before Minus Now (2000) fashion ranges. In fashion design this is standard practice, but in art it remains unexpected. Work by artists such as Jackson Pollock hold their value in the fact that he personally made the painting. Contrastingly, Andy Warhol’s pop art was largely produced in a New York collective called The Factory, and many of his silk-screened works were produced by assistants. Contemporary, Damien Hirst doesn’t personally build his vitrines or preserve the sharks himself. So when and why is it important that the artist personally made the piece?

A4.When someone is designing something as amazing as the work of Hussein Chalayan I think that it is okay for them to get someone else to do the actual making of the work. Or even for most designers, it is not necessary for them to do all of the hands on work. I think it is a little bit different with someone like damian Hirst who would call himself an artist but doesn't actually make alot of his work, I guess if people have seen pieces of work that he has made himself that were good then it shows he is legit, and  so the thought of having a pieces of his art work that is his idea is satisfying enough for some.

WEEK 2 Post-Modernism, Ai Weiwei and Banksy

1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.
  •  One of the very basic ideas of Post-Modernism is rejection of arbitrary power structures. Different people are sensitive to different kinds of power structures - Larry Wall
  •  "There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false." - Harold Pinter
  •  "In our postmodern culture which is TV dominated, image sensitive, and morally vacuous, personality is everything and character is increasingly irrelevant." - David F. Wells
  •  Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out - Robert Hewison
  • Asking you to think about the art. Whats does it make you feel or think?
  • What you think the art is about
  • The term postmodernism is used in a confusing variety of ways. For some it means anti–modern, while for others it means the revision of modernist premises
  • The seemingly anti–modern stance involves a basic rejection of the tenets of modernism
  • Postmodernism is seen as rejecting those elements that comprise the modernist worldview, including the ideas of truth, self, meaning, and purpose
  • Self-conscious Intertextuality

Q2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
A2."The post–modern artist is ‘reflexive’ in that he or she is self–aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about his or her cultural self in history, in damasking his or her own pretensions, and promoting processes of self–consciousness. "

Q3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-
A3.Post modernity is a jumble of different ideas and cultures. pluralism is present as well as using cultures and ethnics in a surface deep way, not caring about the meaning of many things. There is a mixture of different cultures which blend together to make one hybrid culture. The attitude of post modernity undermines to show dept and seriousness. Making art that is taken aspect of work from the past and mixing it with the own ideas of the artists and making art that talks to people and sends a certain message out that is interesting or challenging, asking you to think about the the art - what it makes you feel and think it is about. Challenging in general the government, culture, metaphysical and beliefs.

Q5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.
A5. The ancient urn which was not made by himself but found at a market, Ai Wei Wei then inscribed the Coca-Cola label onto the urn. This was to show the uncertainty of value and beauty over time which related to post-modernity in the way that Wei Wei is challenging the way we think about from the past and materialistic ideas.

Q6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist
to discuss how each work can be defined as Post-Modern.
A6. The stencil of the man throwing the flowers to me seems like the man should be throwing something like a Molotov cocktail or a brick, but has been replaced with a bunch of flowers because you can not really hurt or destroy anything with flowers and flowers are nice and are a symbol of kindness and peace in some ways. With the second stencil of the caveman with the fast food must be about some kind of controversy with fast food business like McDonald's. The work of Banksy fits into the postmodern category as it is there to show a point which is challenging the way the world/certain countries are and also the way that some of his pieces of art could depict different means to different people.

'Flower Riot', Banksy

Los Angeles (2008), Banksy

WEEK 1 Nathalie Djurberg's 'Claymations'

Q1. What do you understand by the word 'claymation'?
A1. Claymation is a form of animation which uses clay or plasticine clay to create characters and film them using "stop-motion" photography. The word itself explains what it is clay - mation the use of clay with animation.

Q2. What is meant by the term 'surrealistic Garden of Eden'? and 'all that is natural goes awry'?
A2. The garden of Eden is a place from the bible that was meant to have been very beautiful and holy, having the word surrealistic place on front changes what the garden of Eden would be like, Surrealistic means that it would be odd and like a dream but not necessarily in a good way. In the phrase 'all that is natural goes awry' it is saying that the nature is not normal or correct that it is wrong and distorted which is true when you look that how the plants look like that Nathalie Djurberg has created are very unnatural and look like they are dead or dieing.

Q3. What are the 'complexity of emotions' that Djurberg confronts us with?
A3. That complex emotions that I have notice would be involving the relationships between the women and the women and the men. there seems to be a disturbing sexual connect with the women together but not with the women and men.   

Q4. How does Djurberg play with the ideas of children's stories, and innocence in some of her work?
A4. Innocence's is related to children and being free of evil or sin. The form of art claymation that she used is usually used for making children's movies or shows. I thought that the clip with the man and the snake was like the jungle book but a disturbing and violence.

Q5. There is a current fascination by some designers with turning the innocent and sweet into something disturbing. Why do you think this has come about?
A5. It is an interesting topic to play with for some, with the change from innocent to being disturbing is sometime socking the way artists/designers illustrate it which gets the viewer attention.  

Q6. In your opinion, why do you think Djurberg's work is so interesting that it was chosen for the Venice Biennale?
A6.When you look at her art in real life/on YouTube as an installation the objects that she creates are quite amazing to look at having a room full of that kind of stuff that you to another place. It is also quite shocking and disturbing to watch which would bring attention to it.