Q1. Mueck's sculpture is described as 'hyper-real'. Define the meaning of this term and apply it to his work.
A1.Hyper-real art work is art that is made to convince the person that the work is something of reality and something that looks just like the real life object it is supposed to represent. This is shown in Muecks sculptures in the way that his art work looks very realistic and it is hard to tell it is not the real thing apart from the size even after looking at it over and over.
Q2. Mueck is not interested in making life size sculpture. Find out why he is more interested
in working with the scale of the figure which is not life size, and mention 2 works which use
scale that is either larger or smaller than life.
Q3. Define Renaissance Humanism , and analyze the term in order to apply it to an example of Mueck's work. Note that the contemporary definition of Humanism is much broader than the Renaissance definition.
A3. Renaissance Humanism was a approach in study, philosphy, and a practise that focused on human values and cercerns. A cultural movement of the renaissance based on the study of classical works, education, literary. Also people deciding there own morals truths and behaviours that were not from the church/religion. This is related to his work in the way that it was non religious art. The art work makes you think, its couls have many diferent meanings. It works with scale in a way that is not less important things are smaller, important things bigger (like marry etc) but changing the scale so it is not just what you would see any day and any other means that might be behind the reason of his use of scale.
Q4. Research and discuss one of Mueck's sculptures that you might find challenging or exciting to experience in an art gallery. Describe the work, upload an image of the work, and explain your personal response to the work
A4. Sculpture "BOY"
Ron Mueck managed the large scale with using polystyrene blocks sliced into horizontal sections, the eyes were cast in footballs and the hair made with fishing line. He brings the boy the life with the use of showing alot of skin, bones, muscles and limbs. A resin was used to paint in each section of skin to give it a fleshy tone.
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